Work smarter, not harder

All your team’s data in one place.

The ultimate productivity, engagement and health dashboard. With our data driven approach you will unbiasedly see the trees for the forest.

Gain control over your data, recognize patterns and get new employees onboarded smoothly. Identify the flaws and flows with only one dashboard, act on suggested alerts and actionable insights and follow up on your customised KPIs to drive your team to success.
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Build great teams and tomorrow’s workplace with data driven productivity.

Onboard new recruits and manage current teams with ease, and with the right support regardless of the location. Use our ready-made setup or add your own KPIs to get alerts and suggested actions when the performance or engagement is exceeding or lacking, so you can address the relevant issues in full accordance with your strategy.

Forest Dashboard
With alerts, you will be notified automatically and then have the ability to dig into more details with the analytics provided. Over time, Forest will learn from your data and provide Machine Learning based analytics improving your productivity even further

Actionable insights for the entire organisation

Forest Insights collects data from your systems such as communication channels, ERP, CRM, HumanCapitalManagent and any other tools and turns them into understandable insights. We map data, analyse patterns and various performance indicators to present actionable insight for your leaders to coach their teams efficiently. Machine learning will add insights based on historical data, recognise patterns and alert you with suggested actions to replicate success and mitigate risks.
Forest Data SourcesForest Insights DatabaseForest Dashboards
Date from Various SystemsData Set of ActivitiesOne Dashboard
Forest will learn on your data set over time and give you deeper insights into changes and patterns. By labelling results, our machine learning will recognise patterns and guide you based on these in the future. Forest will then help you with suggestion actions to replicate previous success and mitigate risks.

Integrated Tools You are Using

We understand that you want to keep it simple - we do too. That’s why we have built Forest Insights to integrate seamlessly with whatever tools you are already using.
Forest Integrations

Easy Set-Up to get Started with Forest Insights

Step One


Get a dedicated sales contact and set your teams and business metrics
Step Two


Integrate your current tools and systems
Step Three


One smart dashboard with all your data in a daily feed with insights, actions and follow-up.

Fully Customisable – Continuous Improvements

Your organisation is unique and therefore Forest offers the ability to customise the tool to your needs.Dashboard Customization TeaserBy tracking key indicators of your business across platforms and using insights to alert you, Forest Insights will help you gain a better understanding of your business to generate valuable insights and improvements across all channels. With alerts, you will be notified automatically and then have the ability to dig into more details with the analytics provided.
Sales Teaser
Forest Insight will help managers to identify challenges, give coaching advice and monitor changes over time.

Start Building a Perfect Workplace

Forest Insights – Build Great Teams and Tomorrow’s Workplace
© 2023